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Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023


J-pop superstars Yoasobi have conquered the charts in their native Japan with an infectiously upbeat sound that blends pop, rock and electronica, and Clockenflap’s Friday headliners now have their sights set on world domination. Composed of producer Ayase and singer-songwriter ikura, the superduo have racked up close to 2 billion plays on Spotify alone, and their Clockenflap performance follows hot on the heels of the release of their eagerly anticipated new album, The Book 3, which is out on October 4. 
They are going to play Friday. 

由年輕作曲家 Ayase 加上唱作歌手 ikura 組成,以〈夜に駆ける〉及〈群青〉等兼具攻擊性與治癒特質嘅單曲,橫掃令和世代樂迷耳機,喺碟都未出嘅狀態下破天荒獲邀登上紅白歌合戰,當時 Yoasobi 雖然出道未滿一年,但凡稍為有留意J-Pop新聞嘅每個人,都知佢哋將會係the next big thing。

而呢股仿如集體信念一般嘅預感,喺今年四月隨住日本大熱動畫《我推的孩子》主題曲〈偶像〉大爆發而實現,唔止喺亞洲人氣急升,更成為史上首支登上Billboard環球榜冠軍嘅日文歌,係歐美媒體樂迷爭相探討嘅文化現象。呢個當初因為受託將網絡小說音樂化而誕生嘅臨時組合,至今依然貫徹 Ayase 主力以AI作曲軟件寫出無視前奏+資訊轟炸嘅日系曲式,配上 ikura 通透輕柔嘅百變唱法,每首作品都帶有濃厚故事感,至今已經累積起碼14首破億串流數字嘅熱門歌曲。

YOASOBI 出道四年,今次能夠喺佢哋聲勢最盛之際,將呢組全球期待值最高嘅日本單位請嚟 Clockenflap 作首次香港公演,希望大家滿意啦~佢哋將會係星期五演出!