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Name: YARD ACT (UK) 

Date Performing: Sunday, 3 December 2023


Blending elements of indie-rock, post-punk and hip-hop with lyrics that are by turns witty, cynical, darkly comic and surreal, Yard Act are one of the most original bands to come out of the UK in recent years. Nominated for the Mercury Music Prize for their brilliant 2022 debut album ‘The Overload’, the Leeds four-piece are also known for their visually striking music videos, including for the recent single ‘The Trench Coat Museum’, and their forthcoming second album promises to catapult them into the stratosphere. Don’t miss their Hong Kong debut on Sunday December 3, buy your tickets now at

來自約克郡列斯嘅四人樂隊 Yard Act 於2019年尾結成,喺發行四首單曲過後,已經成為英國post punk界超新星,甚至獲 Blur 主唱 Damon Albarn 點名表揚。有別於同期 BC, NR、Black Midi、Dry Cleaning 等個人風格強烈嘅變奏演繹,Yard Act 偏向正統後朋克精神,又帶點disco舞曲節奏,加上主唱 James Smith 以詼諧視角控訴世界各種鬱悶事嘅人設,係有幾分大前輩 The Fall 影子。
去年推出嘅首張大碟《The Overload》獲Pitchfrok 7.4分高度評價,更入選今年水星音樂獎,其中收錄以外星人入侵地球為主題嘅科幻單曲〈100% Endurance〉不只人氣高企,更有英國移動國寶 Elton John 為佢哋灌錄特別版本,新band嚟講算係份量十足。