Name: 惘聞 WANG WEN (CN)
Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023
Often mentioned in the same breath as instrumental rock masters like Mogwai, Tortoise and Mono, Wang Wen have been the standard bearers of Chinese post-rock for almost a quarter of a century. Hailing from the northern city of Dalian, the six-piece have released 12 studio albums, the last of which was 2022’s acclaimed ‘Painful Clown & Ninja Tiger’, and also collaborated with Swedish experimental instrumentalists PG.Lost on the 2013 record ‘Split’.
1999年於大連組成, 成軍24年嘅 #惘聞 不只係中國器樂搖滾領軍代表,亦係post rock界赫赫有名嘅大人物。由雙結他手謝玉崗及耿鑫、低音結他手徐增錚、鼓手周連江、鍵盤手張岩峰,以及小號手黃凱六人組成,至今發行過十二張錄音室專輯,包括2020年嘅《十萬個為什麼》,以及2022年嘅《辛醜|壬寅》,音樂上保有惘聞一貫層次濃厚嘅精緻器樂鋪陳,後者更久違地加入詞唱部分,譜出北方海濱嘅冷冽灰暗,又留有樂隊想要傳達嘅人文溫暖,今個12月將於Clockenflap再度來港演出。