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Name: 蒼蠅 THE FLY (CN) 

Date Performing: Saturday, 2 December 2023


Formed in Beijing in 1993, The Fly are one of the most important bands in the history of Chinese punk rock. Despite only releasing two official albums, the last of which was in 2000, they remain hugely influential as they celebrate their 30th anniversary. Not only does their Clockenflap show on Saturday December 2 offer a rare chance to see the band live in Hong Kong, but they will also be performing back-to-back with seminal Chinese rockers Omnipotent Youth Society, with the lead singer and guitarist of OYS also guesting with The Fly.

第一首實驗噪音,第一支punk band,第一批擁抱地痞格調 —— 1993年組成嘅北京樂隊 #蒼蠅,係形成歐美媒體對中國搖滾許多第一印象嘅重要圖騰。
被廣認為最早將「惡、髒、亂、差」等概念帶入中國地下音樂圈嘅先峰人物,蒼蠅從早期全畫家嘅前衛實驗陣容,逐漸轉換成以主唱豐江舟為核心 + 來自日本嘅結他手高橋浩二及低音結他手佐藤敦士 + 鼓手關菲嘅經典陣容。樂隊先於1997年經由香港及台灣發行首張大碟《The Fly I》,再於2000年推出續作《The Fly II》(兩張唱片均採用前隊員宋永紅畫作為封面),聲勢正盛之際,蒼蠅卻選擇淡出,成員們專注個人發展。
經歷超過二十年沉寂後,蒼蠅計劃重組之際遭遇高橋因病離世嘅遺憾,最終決定由忠實迷弟,樂隊 #萬能青年旅台 主唱董亞千擔任客席結他手。是次12月現身Clockenflap,將會係蒼蠅繼1998年與Beyond、L.M.F.、Shonen Knife(日本)等樂隊一同登場嘅音樂殖民地100期紀念音樂會後,再度回到香港舞台嘅重要時刻。