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Name: SWAE LEE (US) 

Date Performing: Sunday, 3 December 2023


The younger and melodic half of Southern hip-hop duo Rae Sremmurd, however, is quick to deny any association to being two different people and instead opts for a more complex, manifold, but unified version of himself. Nowhere does this ring truer than in Swae's versatile music and sound that is undeniably and utterly Swae. Born in Inglewood, California as Khalif Malik Ibn Shaman Brown, the singer cites Texas as a focal point in his beginnings in music at the age of 11 or so, where he began to seriously pursue his musical interests. Outside of school and familial extracurriculars, Swae would experiment with production, recording software, and learn how to mix audio. Swae, has made a name for himself outside of his duo work, showcasing himself as a force to be reckoned with both within and beyond the hip hop world, with tracks such as 17x Platinum "Sunflower" with Post Malone, Diamond Certified "Unforgettable" with French Montana, showing off his singing chops and his impressive list of writing credits including Beyonce's "Formation" and Travis Scott's Diamond certified "Sicko Mode". Swae's melodic repertoire, however, is not relegated exclusively to the r&b and hip-hop sphere as his crooning can also take on ballad form and mesh into a more electronica background as well—a complex Gemini in many ways.

來自美國費城嘅人氣說唱歌手 Swae Lee,確定參演 Clockenflap 2023!早期與阿哥 Slim Jxmmi 合組嘅 Rae Sremmurd 憑藉名作〈Black Beatles〉爆紅,曾經登頂 Billboard Hot 100 冠軍歌;近年投入個人發展嘅 Swae Lee 受樂迷追捧程度有增無減,一提起個名就會即時諗起佢同 Post Malone 嘅陽光金曲〈Sunflower〉,首歌仲出現喺《Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse》動畫系列第一集。

與超級英雄電影特別有緣嘅 Swae Lee,亦受 Kendrick Lamar 邀約參與《黑豹 Black Panther》嘅原聲帶創作,與 Khalid 合作咗首〈The Ways〉,其他參與作品有好多首至今喺 Spotify 累積超過70億串流點播;Swae Lee 說唱風格既保留嘻哈稜角,亦擅長加入R&B式甜美旋律,構成一種隨性而富節奏律動嘅個人特性,將會響12月 Clockenflap 週日主舞台作壓軸演出。