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Name: 竇靖童 LEAH DOU (CN) 

Date Performing: Sunday, 3 December 2023


When Leah Dou last played Clockenflap in 2015, she was arguably best known as the talented offspring of music-star parents Dou Wei and Faye Wong, but the singer-songwriter is now a bona fide star in her own right as she makes her triumphant return to Clockenflap. Fresh from the release of her third studio album, 春遊, the versatile songstress is sure to attract a huge crowd when she takes the stage on Sunday December 3. Get your tickets now at

喺自小已經被外界寄予音樂夢嘅環境下,竇靖童 (Leah Dou) 行出一條好似估得到,但又超出任何人預期地豐富嘅音樂路。
除咗成長時期嘅耳濡目染,從 Leah 自己分享嘅歌單中,亦可以見到佢會喺 Blood Orange、細野睛臣、Milton Nascimento、Khruangbin 等不同音樂版塊中汲取養分,逐步構成專屬於竇靖童嘅音樂世界。喺2020年推出嘅第三張大碟《GSG》,單單係由專輯同名曲走到第四首〈BACKSEAT〉,已經滲滿爵士、Lo-fi、新浪潮、R&B、funk、Trip-hop、downtempo 等不同元素,展現出極其多元嘅音樂人素養;可惜受疫情因素影響,樂迷們冇乜機會現場感受一番。
嚟到2023年,Leah 以〈Monday〉為個人首張全中文大碟《春遊》作預告,運用電玩質感與scratching手法呈現出Y2K式純愛情懷,隱隱然有新一代〈簡單愛〉嘅氛圍,當中一段廣東話說唱,甚至令樂迷表示夢回王菲與軟硬合作嘅時光。專輯推出以後,大家又從〈早上好〉、〈橘子汽水〉中感受到 Leah 歷來最自如、鬆弛嘅創作境界,現場演出,個人演唱功力。十二月,我哋好高興請到 Leah 繼2015年後再次回到 Clockenflap 舞台,與大家現場分享佢呢段日子嘅創作成果。