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Name: 工工工 GONG GONG GONG (CA) 

Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023


Endlessly eclectic and hellbent on obliterating genre boundaries, Beijing-based post-punk duo Gong Gong Gong 工工工 draw from a wide range of influences, from West African desert blues, Southeast Asian folk music and Cantonese opera to techno, psychedelic drone and Bo Diddley. Composed of Hong Kong-born guitarist and vocalist Tom Ng and Montreal-born bassist Joshua Frank, the duo have been acclaimed by the likes of Pitchfork, Stereogum, Fader, the New Yorker and NPR, while their 2019 debut album ‘Phantom Rhythm’ was named one of The Wire magazine’s top 10 avant rock albums of the year. Don’t miss this one, get your tickets now.

連鼓機都唔使落,由人聲、結他、bass三者構成在心中嘅幽靈節奏,北京/西貢樂隊 工工工 喺2016年以《總統琴行》EP為起點,分階段實驗佢哋心目中「兩個人兩把琴能演奏出的極限」,至2019年發表收錄〈騎你的馬〉、〈地下日記〉、〈喂喂喂〉等作品嘅首張錄音LP。大碟一出,樂迷們立即被主音吳卓果種以粵劇為靈感,並充分利用廣東話響亮音節特性嘅唱法震攝 —— 原來粵語歌可以咁樣玩。
自組成以來,工工工既於北京獨立音樂場景中名聲赫赫,亦曾與 Ratatat、Michael Rother (NEU!)、落日飛車、Parquet Courts 等國外猛人同台,但始終保有一種低調神秘印象,只有親歷現場先至能夠見真章。繼一月頭喺上環 Soho House 與台灣fd子夢東嘅聯合專場後,12月工工工將會行過少少,喺中環 Clockenflap 再現香江,有請各位工友早啲到。