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Name: ENVY (JP) 

Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023


Formed in Tokyo in 1992, envy are well deserving of their cult legends status, having been hugely influential in Japan’s post-hardcore, screamo and post-rock scenes for more than 30 years. Since dropping their searing debut ‘From Here to Eternity’ in 1998, the band have released six more studio albums, as well as collaborations with American post-hardcore outfit Thursday and British experimental metal band Jesu. Don’t miss their Clockenflap debut.

日本最具代表性嘅post hardcore樂隊之一,組於1992年嘅 envy 早期以暴烈硬核風格成名,至2001年嘅《All the Footprints You’ve Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead》開始,逐漸增強旋律性及講究編曲鋪陳,主音深川哲也亦改為喺文學獨白與screamo間自由轉換。喺多次高對比融合實驗後,envy 以硬核身份玩出post-rock式連綿洶湧嘅氣勢,神奇地吸引埋海內海外嘅後搖樂迷,連蘇格蘭巨擘 Mogwai 都係fans,搵深川合作獻聲;2018年,經歷成員更替嘅 envy 以單曲〈Alnair in August〉重新出發,又再於2020年發表第七張大碟《The Fallen Crimson》,仍然係果隻被形容為「噪音催淚怪物」嘅巨獸。