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Name: ALEX G (US) 

Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023


Described by NME as “one of his generation’s most consistently brilliant songwriters” and often likened to the late, great Elliott Smith, Alexander Giannascoli (better known as Alex G) is a modern master of emotionally resonant lo-fi indie rock. He’s incredibly prolific too, having recorded nine studio albums and two live albums by the age of 30, including 2022’s critically adored ‘God Save the Animals’, which was ranked in the Year’s Best Albums lists by everyone from Pitchfork and Stereogum to Billboard and Rolling Stone. Don’t miss his Clockenflap debut on Friday December 1, buy your tickets now at

因為早期作品〈Mary〉及〈Things To Do〉運用多軌錄音嘅弱性演唱風格,令 Alex G 被不少美國樂迷視為傳奇另類民謠歌手 Elliot Smith 接班人,後續多張大碟展現出揉合screamo、punk、鄉村音樂、室內樂等不同樂派嘅才華,逐漸被 Frank Ocean 等大牌藝人指定為合作對象。產量穩定嘅 Alex G 由 Bandcamp 年代開始已經累積不少獨立樂迷,去年發表第九張個人大碟《God Save The Animal》,採用更多樣樂器配搭,為其帶自傳性質嘅敍事曲式添加豐富層次,被 NME 評為佢生涯最佳作品,今個十二月,將會喺Clockefnlap作首次香港公演。